Features guide for MP-based AMPL solvers

The MP framework defines standard solver features that solvers might support; these are usually characterized by a set of Solver options used to control the feature, sometimes suffixes to pass required data and results, and may change the behaviour of the solution process. Furthermore, MP offers unified Solve result codes.

This page presents the semantics of the most common solver features; for a development reference see HOWTO hook your solver to AMPL MP.

Solver options

Solver options are key-value pairs controlling a solver’s behavior. We distinguish between AMPL/MP solver options and Native solver options.

AMPL/MP solver options

AMPL/MP solver options provide a unified interface to MP parameters, as well as underlying solver’s configuration:

ampl: option solver gurobi;
ampl: option gurobi_options 'outlev=1';      ## verbose output
ampl: solve;

Many of them are standardized across AMPL solvers.

List all available options

Run the AMPL solver executable with -= to list all options, or with -=key to list all options containing key:

$ highs -=acc:
acc: Options:

acc:linrange (acc:linrng)
    Solver acceptance level for 'LinConRange', default 2

On the Web, options for AMPL solvers are published in AMPL Development.

Option file

It is possible to input a file with predefined AMPL solver options, using tech:optionfile:

ampl: option cbc_options 'optionfile="options_experiment1.txt"';

For the underlying solver’s native options see Native solver options.

Solver-specific vs common MP options

From AMPL, options can be passed to an MP solver in two ways. Solver-specific options are passed via AMPL option (solvername)_options:

ampl: option solver gurobi;
ampl: option gurobi_options 'iis=1';         ## Tell Gurobi to find IIS
ampl: solve;
Gurobi 10.0.2:   alg:iisfind = 1
Gurobi 10.0.2: infeasible problem

If your solver executable has a different name, say gurobi25.exe, and you provide gurobi25_options, they will be used instead.

Common options (for all MP solvers) can be passed via AMPL option mp_options:

ampl: option mp_options 'lim:time=300';      ## Options for all MP solvers

The value of mp_options is parsed before (solvername)_options. Thus, mp_options allows setting parameters for all MP solvers, with the possibility to override some of them for a specific solver.

Set options from command line

When running from command line, there are two ways to pass options: via the environment variable, or via arguments:

mp_options='outlev=1 tech:writeprob=model.mps' gurobi.exe model.nl  ## Method 1
gurobi.exe model.nl outlev=1 tech:writesol=model.sol                ## Method 2

Query option values

To query the value of an option (default, or set via other methods), use ‘?’ as argument:

ampl: option mosek_options 'threads=?';
ampl: solve;
MOSEK 10.0.43:   tech:threads = 0
MOSEK 10.0.43: optimal; objective 10

Native solver options

Some AMPL solvers allow passing native options to the underlying solver. For example, to control Gurobi NumericFocus setting, there are two ways:

ampl: option gurobi_options 'alg:numericfocus 3';             ## standard way
ampl: option gurobi_options 'tech:optionnative "NumericFocus 3"';   ## native
gurobi.exe model.nl optnative="numericfocus 2" optnative="Seed 500" # cmdline

Additionally, for some solvers, native options can be read / written from / to files using tech:optionnativeread and tech:optionnativewrite.

Solve result codes

The result of the last solve in AMPL can be seen as follows.

ampl: model party2.mod
ampl: data party2.dat
ampl: display solve_result_num, solve_result;
solve_result_num = -1
solve_result = '?'

ampl: option solver gurobi;
ampl: option gurobi_options 'lim:time 20';
ampl: solve;
Gurobi 11.0.0:   lim:time = 20
Gurobi 11.0.0: time limit, feasible solution
35671 simplex iteration(s)
1 branching node(s)
absmipgap=27, relmipgap=0.818182
ampl: display solve_result_num, solve_result;
solve_result_num = 402
solve_result = limit

ampl: option solve_result_table;
option solve_result_table '\
0       solved\
100     solved?\
200     infeasible\
300     unbounded\
400     limit\
500     failure\

MP details the solve result codes as follows:

ampl: shell "mosek -!";
Solve result table for MOSEK 10.0.43
          0- 99 solved: optimal for an optimization problem, feasible for a satisfaction problem
        100-199 solved? solution candidate returned but error likely
            150 solved? MP solution check failed (option sol:chk:fail)
        200-299 infeasible
        300-349 unbounded, feasible solution returned
        350-399 unbounded, no feasible solution returned
        400-449 limit, feasible: stopped, e.g., on iterations or Ctrl-C
        450-469 limit, problem is either infeasible or unbounded
        470-499 limit, no solution returned
        500-999 failure, no solution returned
            550 failure: numeric issue, no feasible solution

Individual solvers may add more specific values in the corresponding ranges. To list solver-specific codes, use command-line switch -! as above, or visit AMPL Development. More information is in Chapter 14 of the AMPL Book. See also the roll cutting example on AMPL Colab.

General features

Output level

All solvers print some information during the solution process. For the sake of clarity, when using the solvers from AMPL the information is mostly ommitted, and only the solver message is displayed, which describes the outcome of the optimization process. The amount of information printed is controlled by the option outlev:

option <solver>_options 'outlev=1';

In case of repeated executions it is often desiderable to hide all solver output. The solver message can be suppressed by setting the option solver_msg to 0. The solver banner is displayed anyway; to suppress it a redirection is needed:

option solver_msg 0;
solve > NUL;




All models



  • 0 - No (default)

  • 1 - Yes, print detailed execution log

  • 2, 3, … - Solver-dependent values

Model export

Most solvers can export the model before solving. This is usually controlled by the option writeprob:

option <solver>_options 'writeprob=/tmp/diet.lp';

The format is solver-dependent and determined by the file extension (‘.lp’ in the example).




All models



  • filename - Filename for the exported model

Report solution time

All solvers can measure the execution times of the solution process; by setting this option to 1, the solver will display and return via problem suffixes this information. The reported times are: time_solver (the time taken by the solver itself to solve the model), time_setup (the time spent in the solver driver for reading the model file, reformulating it and prepare all the memory structures) and time (=time_solver+time_setup, the total time spent in the driver):

option <solver>_options 'report_times=1';




All models




Suffixes (on problem):

  • time total time spent in the driver

  • time_setup time spent to read and reformulate the model

  • time_solver time spent solving the model



  • 0 - No (default)

  • 1 - Yes


Use this model


option <solver>_options "tech:reporttimes=1";

display Initial.time, Initial.time_setup, Initial.time_solver;


tech:reporttimes = 1
Setup time:    0.0113952s
Solution time: 0.0016453s

suffix time OUT;
suffix time_setup OUT;
suffix time_solver OUT;

Initial.time = 19.43
Initial.time_setup = 0.88
Initial.time_solver = 19.46

Warm start

Solution process can often benefit of a solution (a set of variable values) to start the algorithm. This is passed to supporting solver automatically if the option is activated and variables in AMPL have a value assigned. Note that, for LP problems, also the dual values can be passed.

This option controls whether to use incoming primal (and dual, for LP) variable values in a warmstart.




LP and MIP models


Variable values




Sum of:

  • 0 - No (default)

  • 1 - Yes (for LP: if there is no incoming alg:basis) (default)

  • 2 - Yes (for LP: ignoring the incoming alg:basis, if any)


Use this model


option <solver>_options "alg:start=1";
let n:=250; # increase the size of the model to have noticeable solution times

printf "Solution without warm start took %fs\n", _solve_time;

# Now an optimal solution is already present, we pass it to the solver
# which would use to start the solution process
printf "Solution with warm start took %fs\n", _solve_time;



Solution without warm start took 2.89062s


Solution with warm start took 0.671875s

Input and output basis

A basis is a set of variable values representing a feasible and extreme solution. Simplex solvers normally calculate this as part of the solution process, while interior point methods must perform additional steps (crossover) to get it. In a way similar to warm start, a basis can also be passed to the solver, which will use it as starting point for searching for a solution.

This option controls whether to use or return a basis.




LP and MIP models



  • sstatus on variables and constraints



  • sstatus on variables and constraints


Sum of:

  • 0 - No

  • 1 - Use incoming basis (if provided)

  • 2 - Return final basis

  • 3 - Both (1 + 2, default)


Use this model


option gurobi_options "alg:start=0 outlev=1"; # disable passing the solution

display Buy.sstatus; # display basis status

solve; # second solve with take much less although a solution is not provided

In the solver logs, we can see the expected behaviour:

x-Gurobi 9.5.2: optimal solution; objective 74.27382022
3 simplex iterations
Objective = total_cost['A&P']
ampl: display Buy.sstatus;
Buy.sstatus [*] :=
BEEF  low
CHK  upp
FISH  low
HAM  low
MCH  low
MTL  bas
SPG  bas
TUR  low;

... # second solve:

Solved in 0 iterations and 0.00 seconds (0.00 work units)

Feasibility Relaxation

The feasibility relaxation functionality enables the solver to find a feasible solution even if the original model is unfeasible without explicitly adding slack variables to the constraints. In the feasibility relaxation problem,

  1. Each variable \(x\) can violate its bounds (\(lb \leq x \leq ub\)):

    • Violation of lower bound \(lbv = max(0, lb-x)\)

    • Violation of upper bund \(ubv = max(0, x-ub)\)

  2. Each constraint body \(c\) can violate its bounds also (\(c \leq rhs\))

    • Constraint violation \(rhsv = max(0, c-rhs)\)

The objective then becomes to minimize some function of the violations (e.g. the number of violations, or their sum - possibly weighted by some penalty values). The penalty values (used in some kinds of feasibility relaxation problmes) can be controlled with macro defaults (e.g. option alg:ubpen sets the penalty weight for all upper buonds violations, and its default values is 1) or, with more granularity, on each entity via suffix values (e.g. variable suffix ubpen on variables, default value 0). Penaly weights < 0 are treated as Infinity, allowing no violation.




LP and MIP models


  • Options

    • alg:lbpen: penalty for lower bound violations if suffix lbpen is not defined - default 1

    • alg:ubpen: penalty for upper bound violations if suffix ubpen is not defined - default 1

    • alg:rhspen: penalty for rhs violations if suffix rhspen is not defined - default 1

  • Suffixes

    • lbpen on variables - penalty for lower bound violations - default 0

    • ubpen on variables - penalty for upper bound violations - default 0

    • rhspen on constraints - penalty for rhs violations - default 0




Sum of:

  • 0 - No

  • 1 - Yes, minimizing the weighted sum of violations

  • 2 - Yes, minimizing the weighted sum of squared violations

  • 3 - Yes, minimizing the weighted count of violations

  • 3-6 - Same objective as 1-3, but also optimize the original objective, subject to the violation being minimized


Use this model

Solve the model changing the penalties to get different solutions:

options <solver>_options "alg:feasrelax=1";
option presolve 0;    # otherwise the model could be oversimplified

solve; display x,y;


x = 1
y = 1

Now we want to force all variable lower bounds to be respected:

options <solver>_options "alg:feasrelax=1 alg:lbpen=-1";
solve; display x,y;

Gives, as expected x=5 (it had a lower bound of 5):

x = 5
y = 1

Single violations can be controlled via suffixes; in this case we want to control the constraints violations:

options <solver>_options "alg:feasrelax=1 alg:lbpen=1"; # allow lower bounds to be violated again

suffix rhspen IN;
let C1.rhspen := 1; # normal weight
let C2.rhspen := -1; # C2 can NOT be violated
let C3.rhspen := 10; # We'd rather not violate C3
display C1.slack, C2.slack, C3.slack;


C1.slack = -3
C2.slack = 4
C3.slack = 0

C1 is violated - which makes sense as we specified that C2 cannot be violated and we gave an higher avoidance weight to C2. If we want to violate C1 instead, we can:

let C1.rhspen := 10; # We'd rather not violate C1
let C2.rhspen := 1; # C2 can be violated
let C3.rhspen := 1; # Normal weight
display C1.slack, C2.slack, C3.slack;

Which gives, as expected:

C1.slack = 18
C2.slack = 2
C3.slack = -1

Multiple solutions

More often than not, optimization problems have more than one optimal solution; moreover, during the solution process, MIP solvers usually find sub-optimal solutions, which are normally discarded. They can be however be kept, and in most cases there are solver-specific options to control how the search for additional solutions is performed.

The main (and generic) options that controls the search are sol:stub amd sol:count, which control respecitvely the base-name for the files where additional solution will be stored and if to count additional solutions and return them in the nsol problem suffix. Specifying a stub name automatically enables the solutions count; found solutions are written to files [solutionstub1.sol', … solutionstub<nsol>.sol].




MIP models




Suffixes nsol and npool on problem


The name used as base file name for the alternative solutions


Use this model


option gurobi_options "sol:stub=queentake";
printf "I have found %d solutions\n", Initial.nsol;

printf "Displaying solution 1";
solution queentake1.sol;
display X;

printf "Displaying solution 2";
solution queentake2.sol;
display X;


x-Gurobi 9.5.2: sol:stub=queentake
x-Gurobi 9.5.2: optimal solution; objective 10
355 simplex iterations
23 branching nodes

suffix nsol OUT;
suffix npool OUT;

I have found 10 solutions
Displaying solution 1
x-Gurobi 9.5.2: Alternative solution; objective 10
X [*,*]
:    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10    :=
1    0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0
2    1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
3    0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
4    0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0
5    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0
6    0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
7    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1
8    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0
9    0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
10   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0;

Displaying solution 2
x-Gurobi 9.5.2: Alternative solution; objective 10
X [*,*]
:    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10    :=
1    0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
2    0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0
3    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0
4    1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
5    0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
6    0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0
7    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1
8    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0
9    0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
10   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0

Sensitivity analysis

It is often useful to know the ranges of variables and constraint bodies for which the optimal basis remains optimal. Solvers supporting this feature return such ranges in suffixes after solving to optimum. This option controls whether to calculate these values and return them in the suffixes listed below.




LP and MIP models




Suffixes for variables only:

  • sensobjlo smallest objective coefficient

  • sensobjhi greatest objective coefficient

Suffixes for variables and constraints:

  • senslblo smallest variable/constraint lower bound

  • senslbhi greatest lower bound

  • sensublo smallest upper bound

  • sensubhi greatest upper bound


Sum of:

  • 0 - No (default)

  • 1 - Yes


Use Multi objective diet model


options <solver>_options "alg:sens=1";
option presolve 0;  # disable model transformations in AMPL

Then the ranges for variables and constraints can be examined:

display Buy, Buy.sstatus, Buy.sensublo, Buy.sensubhi;

Which gives:

display Buy.sensublo, Buy.sensubhi, Buy.sstatus, Buy;
:    Buy.sensublo  Buy.sensubhi Buy.sstatus     Buy       :=
BEEF    2           1e+100        low          2
CHK     9.12987         10.9792   upp         10
FISH    2           1e+100        low          2
HAM     2           1e+100        low          2
MCH     2           1e+100        low          2
MTL     6.23596     1e+100        bas          6.23596
SPG     5.25843     1e+100        bas          5.25843
TUR     2           1e+100        low          2;


Kappa is the condition number for the current LP basis matrix. It is a measure of the stability of the current solution \(Ax=b\) measuring the rate at which the solution \(x\) will change with respect to a change in \(b\). It is only available for basic solutions, therefore it is not available for barrier method if crossover is not applied.




LP and MIP models with optimal basis




Additional text in solve_message and suffix:

  • kappa on objective and problem


Sum of:

  • 0 - No

  • 1 - Report kappa in solve_message

  • 2 - Return kappa in the solver-defined suffix kappa


Use Multi objective diet model

Solve the model and report kappa:

options <solver>_options "alg:kappa=3";

display Initial.kappa, total_number.kappa;


x-Gurobi 9.5.2: optimal solution; objective 30.92537313
kappa value: 53.5399
5 simplex iterations

suffix kappa OUT;

Initial.kappa = 53.5399
total_number.kappa = 53.5399

Unbounded rays

When a model is unbounded, a vector \(r\) (unbounded ray) can be found such that when added to any feasible solution \(x\), the resulting vector is a feasible solution with an improved objective value. When a model is infeasible, the dual solution is unbounded and the same as above can be applied to constraints. This option controls whether to return suffix unbdd if the objective is unbounded or suffix dunbdd if the constraints are infeasible.




Unbounded/unfeasible LP and MIP linear models





  • unbdd on variables if the problem is unbounded

  • dunbdd on constraints if the problem is infeasible


Sum of:

  • 0 - Do not calculate or return unbounded rays

  • 1 - Return only unbdd

  • 2 - Return only dunbdd

  • 3 - Return both (default)


Use this model

Solve the (infeasible) model and report the dunbdd rays:

options gurobi_options "alg:rays=3"; # it is default already
option presolve 0;  # else the model could be oversimplified
display c1.dunbdd, c2.dunbdd, c3.dunbdd;


x-Gurobi 9.5.2: alg:rays=3
x-Gurobi 9.5.2: infeasible problem

suffix dunbdd OUT;

c1.dunbdd = 1
c2.dunbdd = 0
c3.dunbdd = 0

Multiple objectives

Many real world problems have multiple objectives; often this scenario is tackled by blending all the objectives by linear combination when formulating the model, or by minimizing each unwanted objective deviations from a pre-specified goal. Many solvers can facilitate the formulation; the available functionalities are solver-specific; at MP level they accessible via the main option obj:multi. Consult the solver documentation for the functionalities available on your solver.




LP and MIP models




All objectives are reported in solve_message



  • 0 - No (default)

  • 1 - Yes


Use Multi objective diet model


options <solver>_options "obj:multi=1";


x-Gurobi 9.5.1: obj:multi=1
x-Gurobi 9.5.1: optimal solution; objective 74.27382022
Individual objective values:
  _sobj[1] = 74.27382022
  _sobj[2] = 75.01966292
  _sobj[3] = 79.59719101
  _sobj[4] = 31.49438202

Irreducible Inconsistent Subset (IIS)

Given an infeasible model, it is useful to know where the infeasibility comes from, that is, which bounds and/or constraints are incompatible. An IIS is a subset of constraints and variables that is still infeasible and where if a member is removed the subsystem becaomes feasible. Note that an infeasible model can have more than one IIS.

This options controls whether to perform the additional computational steps required to find an IIS.


alg:iisfind, iisfind, iis


LP and MIP models




Suffix iis on variables and constraints



  • 0 - No (default)

  • 1 - Yes


Use this model


option <solver>_options "iisfind=1";
option presolve 0;  # else the model could be oversimplified
display c1.iis, c2.iis, c3.iis;


x-Gurobi 9.5.2: alg:iisfind=1
x-Gurobi 9.5.2: infeasible problem
2 simplex iterations

suffix iis symbolic OUT;
suffix dunbdd OUT;

c1.iis = mem
c2.iis = mem
c3.iis = mem

MIP-only features

Return MIP gap

The MIP gap describes how far the reported solution for the MIP model is from the best bound found. It is defined as:

\(absgap = | objective - bestbound |\)

\(relmipgap = absgap / | objective |\)

It gives a measure of how far the current solution is from the theoretical optimum. The AMPL option controls whether to return mipgap suffixes or include mipgap values in the solve_message. Returned suffix values are +Infinity if no integer-feasible solution has been found, in which case no mipgap values are reported in the solve_message.




MIP models




Additional text in solve_message and suffixes:

  • relmipgap on objective and problem

  • absmipgap on objective and problem


Sum of:

  • 0 - Do not report gaps

  • 1 - Return .relmipgap suffix (relative to |obj|)

  • 2 - Return .absmipgap suffix (absolute mipgap)

  • 4 - Suppress mipgap values in solve_message


Use this model


# 3 = return both absolute and relative MIP gap, and also report them
# in the solve_message
option <solver>_options "return_mipgap=3";

display max_queens.relmipgap, max_queens.absmipgap;
display Initial.relmipgap, Initial.absmipgap;


x-Gurobi 9.5.2: mip:return_gap=3
x-Gurobi 9.5.2: optimal solution; objective 10

suffix absmipgap OUT;

max_queens.relmipgap = 0
max_queens.absmipgap = 0
Initial.relmipgap = 0
Initial.absmipgap = 0

Return best dual bound

The best dual bound (on the objective) represents what is the currently proven best value that the objective value can assume. Usually solvers terminate when the current solution is close enough to the best bound.

This option controls whether to return suffix .bestbound for the best known MIP dual bound on the objective value. The returned value is -Infinity for minimization problems and +Infinity for maximization problems if there are no integer variables or if a dual bound is not available.




MIP models





  • bestbound on objective


Sum of:

  • 0 - No (default)

  • 1 - Yes


Use this model


option <solver>_options "mip:bestbound=3";
display max_queens.bestbound, Initial.bestbound;


x-Gurobi 9.5.2: mip:bestbound=1
x-Gurobi 9.5.2: optimal solution; objective 10

max_queens.bestbound = 10
Initial.bestbound = 10

Lazy constraints and user cuts

The solution process of a MIP model can be helped by further specifying its structure. Specifically, constraints can be marked as lazy or as user cuts. Such constraints are not included initially, then:

Lazy constraints are pulled in when a feasible solution is found; if the solution violates them, it is cut off. They are integral part of the model, as they can cut off integer-feasible solutions.

User cuts are pulled in also, but they can only cut off relaxation solutions; they are consider redundant in terms of specifying integer feasibility.

This option controls whether to recognize the suffx lazy on constraints, which should then be positive to denote a lazy constraint and negative to mark a contraint as a user cut.




MIP models



  • lazy on constraints (>0 for lazy constraint, <0 for user cuts)




Sum of:

  • 0 - No

  • 1 - Accept >0 values to denote lazy constraints

  • 2 - Accept <0 values to denote user cuts

  • 3 - Accept both (default)


Following ampl model

TODO Model

end of code block

option presolve 0;  # disable model transformations in AMPL

suffix lazy IN;
let c1.lazy := 1;  # lazy constraint
let c2.lazy := -1; # user cut, must be redundant as it might never be pulled in


Variable priorities

Solution of MIP models via branch and bound can often be helped by providing preferences on which variables to branch on. Those can be specified in AMPL via the suffix priority.

This option controls whether to read those values and use them in the solution process.




MIP models



  • priority on variables





  • 0 - Ignore priorities

  • 1 - Read priorities (default)


Following AMPL model

TODO Model

end of code block

option presolve 0;  # disable model transformations in AMPL

let x.priority := 1;
let y.priority := 5;


Fixed model (return basis for MIP)

At the end of the solution process for a MIP model, a continuous relaxation of the model with all the integer variables fixed at their integer-optimum value. Some continuous variables can also be fixed to satisfy SOS or general constraints. The model can therefore be solved without these types of restrictions to calculate a basis, dual values or sensitivity information that wouldn’t normally be available for MIP problems.

This option controls if to generate and solve the fixed model after solving the integer problem.




MIP models







  • 0 - No (default)

  • 1 - Yes


Following ampl model

TODO Model

end of code block

option <solver>_options "mip:basis=1";

  • Round

Reference models